These two met in an unusual, but adorable way. Dakota had gone to pick up her pizza order at the restaurant where Ivan worked. She couldn't help but notice his handsome looks and tracked him down on Facebook! They formed a friendship and the rest is history. 

I loved so many things about their wedding! The morning of, they got ready at the Oak View Inn, where we got the cutest pics of them in their PJ’s! The wildflower theme was so beautiful, Dakota having a wildflower embroidered veil and table pieces from her own garden. I was obsessed with the bright and colorful vibe! 

After they said their vows, they did a butterfly release that incorporated their parents. Ivan is from Bulgaria, so his parents incorporated a “bread ceremony” and sprinkled holy water on all the guests. I even got sprinkled too, haha! What a unique way to incorporate family and tradition.

I absolutely loved working with such a fun couple as these two!